Greentube, the NOVOMATIC Interactive division, has partnered with Golden Nugget Online Gaming to make its long-awaited debut in the US. Titles from Greentube’s top-performing games...
Greentube, the NOVOMATIC Interactive division, has bolstered its presence in Canada after taking its content live with Loto-Quebec, a month after making its debut in...
Greentube, the NOVOMATIC Interactive division, has launched its games portfolio with Slots Del Sol in Paraguay, boosting its presence in the country following its market...
Greentube, the NOVOMATIC Interactive division, has launched into Canada for the first time through a partnership deal with Scientific Games and the British Columbia Lottery...
The Spanish gaming management platform Tecnalis will add premium content from Greentube, the NOVOMATIC Interactive division, to its extensive portfolio, in a deal that will...
It’s been four years since Colombia became the first country in Latin America to establish a local licensing regime for online gaming, unlocking the potential...