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Play'n GO is returning to the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas this year


How Esports Companies Can Address The Confusion Around Gambling



How Esports Companies Can Address The Confusion Around Gambling


An exclusive Q&A w/ Gary Denham, Founder and CEO of Wamba Technologies and Gamer’s Oasis


What inspired you to found Wamba Technologies and develop the patented esports platform, Gamers Oasis?

My motivation was the void of wholly accessible online gaming competitions. Wamba Technologies, in conjunction with Gamers Oasis, aims to create a platform where gamers can engage in fair and constant competition, free from any suspicions of impropriety, while winning money as a result of their performance. Basically, players will be able to pay an entry fee into an online competition, compete, and win money back if they place well enough in the competition.

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Could you elaborate on why the misconception of esports as a form of gambling exists despite the legal framework distinguishing skill-based competitions from games of chance?

This misperception arises from the similarities between online esports competitions and traditional gambling activities, particularly where participants are paying an entry fee and vying for monetary rewards. However, at the most basic level, it comes from industry ignorance. 

Anyone who has actually looked at this or participated in esports knows this is no different than tennis, golf, NASCAR, motocross, etc. This just happens to take place online. Aside from that, there is really no difference.


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In your recent Forbes article, you draw parallels between online video game competitions and the financial structure of online poker. How do you see this comparison influencing the perception of esports within the regulatory landscape?

This comparison sought to underscore the potential revenue from esports while addressing any misunderstandings regarding its classification as gambling. By framing esports within a recognizable regulatory context and emphasizing its skill-based nature, the intent was to facilitate clearer guidelines and regulations conducive to industry growth. Beyond that, I also wanted to illustrate just how much untapped financial potential exists in the industry, which I aim to capitalize on with Gamers Oasis.


How do you think the historical context of online poker and its impact on the perception of online gambling influences the current discourse surrounding esports and its legal classification?

The confusion and misconceptions stemming from the past have contributed to the ongoing debate over whether esports should be deemed a form of gambling, despite its inherent emphasis on skill. Here is where it becomes very clear: remove the internet from the equation and consider the question again.  

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Has anybody looked at “real life” video game competitions as “gambling” in the last 40 years (aside from Las Vegas trying to get their hands on it, and failing)?  Of course not.  So why would featuring the same exact competitions on the internet suddenly somehow magically make this gambling? 

It doesn’t. Ergo, this is CLEARLY not gambling.


What measures do you believe are necessary to establish clear guidelines and regulations for esports, ensuring both consumer protection and industry growth?

Nothing governmental. I think where esports are concerned, regulators need to stay out of it. 

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Will they? Only time will tell — but we don’t regulate golf, NASCAR, tennis, or any other sports. Sure, they each have their own rulemaking bodies, but those are not governmental entities, nor should they be.  

I think that to make an exception for esports would set an extremely dangerous precedent and open up all sports to such regulatory oversight. Quite frankly, the day I see the government actually make something in corporate America better, I may be willing to revisit this sentiment. Until then….


How much of the gaming population do you expect to be interested in a platform like Gamers Oasis?

With approximately 660 million actual and potential esports players globally, I expect a significant portion of the gaming population to be interested in a platform like Gamers Oasis. Hundreds of millions of players are traveling to various locations to participate in competitions already.  

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To give them the ability to simply access this from the convenience and comfort of their own home is something that has gone over exceedingly well in all other comparable situations which we’ve seen. Banking. Shopping. Poker. Collectibles. Multiplayer, casual gaming. Now we’ll see it with video game competition.


What can you share about monetization issues in esports and how Gamers Oasis plans to tackle the problem?

Monetization challenges in esports often stem from an attempt to mirror the traditional sports’ viewer-based model, where money is made by bringing fans out to stadiums or by encouraging them to buy merchandise.  In this model, revenue comes from ad sales and sponsorships in addition to gate sales and merchandising. 

While that works with traditional sports, it doesn’t translate well to esports. However, with the ease of access to gaming reaching an exponentially larger number of players than traditional sports reaches viewers (basically, not everyone can throw a baseball, but 40% of earth’s population plays video games), focusing on a player-based model that encourages everyone to participate, rather than merely making them a viewer, can produce far greater emotional attachment to the sport resulting in more participation time, more monetization opportunities in general, and ultimately, as a result, more revenue. Simply put, viewers generate some revenue for the sport, but players can be worth much much more than viewers. In video games, every viewer is a potential player, so, let’s make them players!

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This is where Gamers Oasis will shine. We are developing technology that will allow players of all skill levels to compete and to know that they are engaging in fair competition. Basically, you could be a bad player, but know that you will only be competing against other bad players, giving you a real chance to win money. This is something that nobody else has seemed to be able to produce in a meaningful manner.  We have a way to do this and to ensure this fair play. When anyone can win, all will play.  When everyone is playing, the industry experiences exponential growth.


Looking toward the future, what do you see as the future of esports, more specifically in terms of regulatory frameworks and industry development?

One of the fundamental problems esports has had up until now is there is no universal set of guidelines. As I said before, I firmly believe that the government is not the answer.  

With our patent, one of the things we intend to do is to have all parties who are licensing the patent join us in setting up core guidelines for all games which feature our technology.  We see this as a sort of a start in creating that centralized entity which can help establish and enforce certain guidelines, keeping it as a consensus based entity composed of the major parties who are involved with us in these endeavors, a democratic approach of sorts, with us primarily facilitating the laying of the foundation.

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What kind of a relationship do you envision between the casino industry and the esports industry?

Casinos are all about entertainment, and esports bring a whole new level of that to their customers. The possibilities are exciting in that whole new esport-themed experiences can be hosted within casinos. And as casinos seek to diversify their offerings to attract younger demographics, esports present a lucrative opportunity for engagement and revenue generation through esports betting and tournaments themselves. 

I think that third-party betting should be separated from any true esports platform. A true esports platform should only have the player paying their entry fees and should not involve third parties wagering on the outcome when they are not actually involved in the competition.  

This is where the casino industry comes in. The casinos can be a distinct and separate entity to facilitate those kinds of transactions, keeping them wholly separated from the platforms featuring esports. 

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One of the major reasons for this separation is age requirements. A true esports platform should allow kids (with parental permission) to be allowed to compete just as they do in real life. However, I feel very strongly that wagering on anything as a non-participant should have some restrictions, as it has the means to cause harm to younger, developing minds. By separating the two, we can keep the competition platforms “kid friendly” while still serving the needs of the audience that seeks the other service.


Compliance Updates

Esports suppliers must lead from the front – PandaScore’s Colorado licence



Esports suppliers must lead from the front – PandaScore’s Colorado licence


Esports betting in the United States is a yet to be fully tapped, and with more regulatory progress the total market and opportunity in esports continues to grow.

It’s why at PandaScore, we recently acquired our first license in the lucrative American market, in the esports-friendly state of Colorado. The move is a strong signal of our ambition in the US, but it also sets out our methodology for solving the uncertainty problem that US esports betting currently suffers from.

Supplier licensing should lead the way

The unknowns about what markets and lines can be offered are a key piece of the puzzle in many jurisdictions. Uncertainty around the legislation means operators are tentative to jump in with both feet. At PandaScore, we’re helping operators navigate US esports betting regulation on a state-by-state basis, so they can make business led decisions in markets with right balance of stability and opportunity.

Except for a few states, esports betting regulation is relatively  new: there’s not a great deal of precedent to work from, and its quickly evolving nature means there’s likely more work to be done in the future. We plan to be at the forefront of making sure that esports betting works for the whole ecosystem: operators, suppliers, regulators and the betting public.

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The regulatory framework across the country may be shifting at different paces, but almost all states are going in one direction: expansion.

Esports suppliers have a duty to show operators the way and give them the tools, knowledge and expertise to make the right decision. We don’t believe in going all guns blazing, but entering markets with some certainty around esports in a considered fashion.

We can be more confident that those specific markets are built for esports, with Colorado being PandaScore’s first step for several reasons.

Why Colorado

When deciding which market to enter, we consulted heavily with our customers and whittled it down to states that had the right mix of commercial opportunity, solid regulatory environment and straightforwardness in licensing.

Since regulating esports, Colorado has had a friendly framework for esports. The catalogue for regular betting includes a wide range of esports titles based on approved games and tournaments by the publisher or regulator – which follows some similarities to how traditional sports betting is structured.

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The process itself was simple and clear, with clear terms and commercials that promote investment, entrepreneurship and innovation – all key ingredients for growing new markets and ambitious organisations to build new audiences.

Colorado is the natural next step in PandaScore’s service-minded, client-first approach. There’s already a generation of bettors who are seeking out esports betting products, esports suppliers need to be the source of knowledge and expertise that helps guide and amplify the esports ambitions of their clients.

Service-minded approach, client-led growth

We bring operators into the licensing conversation from the outset, exploring the licenses most valuable to them and then leveraging our lean, efficient operating model to get it done.

We’ve proven we’re serious about the US market, and that we can get a license efficiently, so if an operator desires a specific jurisdiction, we base our decisions on the revenue potential, give them a clear, no-spin picture of the market, and put in the hard work of licensing to provide our services in the US.

Player age verification as a mandatory service

A huge part of that no-spin picture is addressing the concern and risk around player age verification in esports. Compliance is paramount for suppliers and operators alike, so knowing the requirements from state to state is essential.

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PandaScore has been offering player age verification for years and is well established on this front thanks to years of servicing jurisdictions like Australia and Sweden. We already have an API that clients use for peace of mind, and are beefing it up as a standalone service intended to support regulators and governing bodies to ensure compliance, confidence and growth.

Suppliers need to lead from the front for US esports betting to succeed. It’s not just about having the best product – they need to be an expert on relevant regulation, genuinely serve the expansion interests of clients and be a truly safe pair of hands that actively supports and serves operators, bettors and regulators alike.


Author: Oliver Niner, Head of Sales at PandaScore.

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Max Level bags PR Mandate of US-based CyberPowerPC; to strengthen their India positioning



Max Level, a holistic marketing and PR agency built by gamers, has been awarded the public relations mandate for CyberPowerPC India, a premier US-based gaming PC brand, who debuted in the Indian market earlier this year. CyberPowerPC, known for its high-quality custom and pre-built gaming PCs, has chosen India as its first Asian market through a collaboration with Creative Newtech Ltd.

CyberPowerPC has been a trailblazer in the gaming industry, becoming the #1 OEM in the US during 2014-2015 with over 100,000 Microsoft Windows sales, and achieving the distinction of Amazon’s Choice for Gaming Desktop PCs in 2018. In 2022, the brand further solidified its reputation by being the only non-MNC to rank in the top 10 for desktop units sold, with five of the top 10 best-selling gaming desktops.

Widely available across major retailers like Best Buy, Costco, and Walmart in the US and Canada, CyberPowerPC has consistently led the gaming PC segment. Its presence at major events like Anime Expo and its expansion into licensing has further established its brand credibility.

Commenting on the new partnership, Vishal Parekh, Chief Operating Officer, CyberPowerPC India, said, “The India launch marks the first Asian market for CyberPowerPC. With the rise of the gaming sector in India, our objective with the launch was to contribute to this growth and bring top-notch experiences for Indian gamers. Max Level’s deep-rooted understanding and extensive experience in the Indian gaming and esports ecosystem make them an ideal partner to elevate our brand presence in the country. Their holistic approach to PR, founded on the principles of passion and expertise in gaming, aligns perfectly with our mission to provide gamers with the best possible immersive experiences. Together, we aim to make CyberPowerPC a household name among Indian gamers.”

The addition of CyberPowerPC to its diverse portfolio of brands underscores Max Level’s growing influence in the Indian gaming, esports and tech market. With clients like NODWIN Gaming, SuperGaming, KRAFTON, Saudi Esports Federation, ESL Faceit Group, The Esports World Cup, ASUS ROG, Jio Games, TVS, and HyperX, Max Level continues to diversify its client base while maintaining a focus on delivering tailored B2B services that resonate with gaming and esports audiences.

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Siddharth Nayyar, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Max Level stated, “Being entrusted with the India PR mandate of the number one Gaming PC manufacturing brand in North America is a testament to our expertise and understanding of the Indian as well as global gaming market and media landscape. Our success with national and international gaming brands reflects the collective passion of our team to craft the right stories that matter for brands looking to reach out to the gaming and esports audience. We are excited to contribute to CyberPowerPC’s growth journey as it aims to elevate the Indian PC gaming landscape.”

As CyberPowerPC embarks on this exciting new chapter in India, Max Level will be instrumental in driving its communication strategies, ensuring that the brand resonates with India’s burgeoning gaming community.

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Compliance Updates obtains its 4th North American license, further strengthening company’s impact on the US esports betting market


on obtains its 4th North American license, further strengthening company's impact on the US esports betting market is proud to announce that it has received a temporary license from the West Virginia Lottery Commission. After obtaining licenses in New Jersey, Colorado, and the Canadian province of Ontario, the esports betting industry leader has now secured its fourth North American betting license. As a B2B esports specialist, has taken another major step in its North American expansion. The West Virginia license demonstrates that offers services that fully comply with the state’s regulatory system, which is known for its rigorous standards and comprehensive framework for sports betting.

The West Virginia sports betting license allows operators to offer both online and retail betting, ensuring broad reach and accessibility for users across the state. The licensing process includes stringent checks on financial stability, operational integrity, and compliance with state laws, underscoring the reliability and trustworthiness of’s services.

Vlastimil Venclik, co-founder and CEO of, said, “We are thrilled to achieve yet another important milestone for Acquiring the West Virginia license strengthens our position in the US market. Combined with new US-based operators becoming our clients, this license marks another significant step in our North American expansion strategy. The work doesn’t stop here; we are actively working on acquiring further US licenses to support both existing clients and future prospects.”

He added, “The esports betting volume is approximately 80 billion USD with 5.5 billion USD revenue at app. 7 % margin. We offer US betting companies a partnership that will allow them to surge opportunities in the booming segment. The new generation of bettors, the fans of competitive gaming, are constantly on a lookout for a solution that will bring them more markets, more live opportunities, higher engagement, simply said, more fun. In reward, they offer loyalty and high ARPU to operators that demonstrate understanding and passion for esports. has both.”.

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