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Play'n GO is returning to the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas this year


Exclusive interview: Gaming1’s Chief Business Development Officer, Victor Araneda details the company’s US growth strategy



Exclusive interview: Gaming1’s Chief Business Development Officer, Victor Araneda details the company’s US growth strategy


Following its joint venture with Delaware North, Gaming1 is moving its focus to the exciting US market, where it recently opened its latest office in Miami.

With plenty more developments in the pipeline, Gaming Americas spoke to the company’s Chief Business Development Officer, Victor Araneda, about its plans for the US market and what will differentiate them from the competition.

Talk us through GAMING1’s 2021 – what were your key successes and how has your entrance into the North American market performed so far?

Last year was extremely busy as we completed our US joint venture with Delaware North and set up our platform to debut in the first few states. We worked incredibly hard in putting together a state-of-the-art product and a very exciting collection of talent for our joint venture in the US, Gamewise, including our General Manager John Worthington.

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On top of that, we recently opened our new offices in Miami, and I speak for all of us when I say we’re looking forward to launching operations with the new technology at our disposal. It was a fantastic year, but now it’s all about 2022 as the US opportunity opens up more and more and we will be on hand to help our partners take advantage.

With upcoming events on the calendar in the US, how do you plan to showcase what GAMING1 brings as a unique partner to the market?

It’s been so long since we’ve been able to have everyone under the same roof, so I think we are all looking forward to that in and of itself. Having spent the better part of the last 17 years travelling to events like these, I’m eager to get back on the road. Rest assured, I will be in attendance at all the upcoming events introducing prospective partners to our technology and unique business model.

Gamewise, as a turnkey operator with strong casino lineage, understands the need to strengthen the potential of our land-based partners and the bond they’ve created over time with their patrons. We bring the technology and know-how to expand that relationship into the interactive environment. Our platform was created with the earned secret of that lineage. It is flexible and modular because we believe that an effective interactive offering should have a multi-provider approach for both sports betting and iGaming, just like an operator would have on a casino floor.

Going into more detail on your Delaware North partnership – what has the deal entailed and what are your plans for growth together?

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Delaware North and Gaming1 share so much of the same DNA and business philosophy. Two entities still owned by families that embody the spirit of true partnership in the United States and Europe. These are businesses built with a client-oriented approach which is reflected in our technology. We truly understand the strength of tradition and the power of brand and the value of land-based converging into the interactive environment.

Gamewise will be looking to not just operate in jurisdictions where we have direct access but to also share our technology with partners that share the same vision and want to bring their businesses into the digital world in other states.

Looking at the US market as a whole – which states has GAMING1 got its eye on for future plans?

It’s no big secret that we’re planning to deploy our technology in all states where Delaware North currently operates. We’re also putting together an ambitious plan that includes market access and B2B partnerships. Our parent companies were built through partnerships, and we look for Gamewise to continue that tradition and bring that experience to the online arena through partnerships. The exciting thing about the US market is how new it is and how fast it is evolving. We are certainly looking forward to assessing the landscape as it regulates further throughout 2022.

How key do you believe the likes of New York and Florida are going to be in terms of new states fueling a further surge in US betting handles?

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It’s somewhat disappointing to see that two of the largest and most influential states in the union have taken so long to come on board and produce competitive legislation. In terms of fuel for the industry, our eyes and praise have long been for states that have embraced online casino side by side with sports betting, with the most recent examples being West Virginia and Michigan.

We believe that legislation that allows for all verticals and robust products should be the norm as they offer the most value for players and all stakeholders. There are hopeful signs of moving in this direction in a number of states.

Moving further North to Canada, what potential do you see the market holding? 

Gaming1, together with Delaware North, are looking forward to the continued rollout of legislation across Canada. It’s a market we feel will do very well and that is taking a conscientious approach to regulation.

Several jurisdictions in the country have been predicted to be some of the most attractive in North America. One very reliable recipe for success for any state is a high population, highly competitive market, sizable player volumes and high bonus offers. The combination of these elements makes Canada one to keep an eye on.

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And last but not least, looking at LatAm, where you’ve already achieved plenty of success – how do you see the LatAm market shaping up for 2022?

We feel there’s still so much to do in Latin America in terms of specific regulation and market development. On top of that, weakening economic prospects in some of these major countries, including Brazil, continues to make this difficult to predict. The region’s economy still seems to be sluggish and trying to bounce back from the pandemic. Some signs indicate a potential rebound, however, particularly in countries with high vaccination rates.

It feels like only yesterday, but it’s been over four years since Colombia passed their clearly successful regulation model and yet so many of their neighbors have failed to follow that example. Gaming1 still feels bullish about the prospects of the region and will be waiting with bated breath for new openings.


Getting Social With Gaming Corps



Getting Social With Gaming Corps


Graeme Savill, the Account Management Team Lead at Gaming Corps, sits down with us to talk everything social gaming, including the rise of gamification, how to engage players through tournaments, the future of social gaming, and more.


Building communities of players has become a popular trend over the last 18 months, with players demanding a much more social-led experience. Why do you think this is?

I believe the increased demand for social-led experiences is driven by the broader social shift towards connectivity, which is a result of the influence of social media and online communities. Players, especially Gen Z players, crave authentic experiences, and as such, casinos are seeking more interactive and community-focused ways to capture their interest.

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Players want the opportunity to share big wins, compete with friends, and interact with a broader community, and casinos and providers are looking innovative ways to provide that experience.

Crucially, players want to feel like they are part of something and be kept in the loop. Social media is a key part of this, and the online casino industry is learning a lot from these platforms about how to create communities and drive engagement.


In your view, what’s the secret behind creating a more social experience for players? Is it gamification, features like chat functionality and live streaming, or something else?

Several factors are driving the evolution of players’ social experiences. Gamification, for example, plays a key role in bringing out players’ competitive sides while engaging them with new products.

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Chat functionality is also crucial; you can’t build a community if players can not talk to one another. It has also allowed players to interact with streamers, influencers, and the casinos themselves.

Finally, streamers can significantly contribute to exposing players to new content and innovations. They hold significant sway within the online gaming communities and are well-respected by players. This level of influence contributes massively to the success of new product launches.


And how is Gaming Corps creating that social experience for players?

Crash games are extremely effective at driving engagement and building communities. The fast-paced action stirs players, and the chat logs quickly become a stream of instant reactions and shared excitement.

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We saw this, particularly during the EURO 2024 and Copa America tournaments over the summer. Likeminded football fans engaged with one another while playing Football Freestyler, and Samba Soccer, helping to build a community of players who played and engaged with each other throughout the tournaments.

Likewise, using live streamers has helped build communities and increase engagement in several of our games, with Piggy Smash and Snoop’s High Rollers being two of the most popular.


Tournaments have become an increasingly popular way to engage with new players.  From your experience, are there certain game types that tournaments lend themselves to?  And how do you retain those players once a tournament has concluded?

Tournaments are an extremely useful method of retaining customers and upselling to both new and existing customers. I believe these will continue to be a strong tool in the upcoming years, particularly with the rise of network tournaments offering substantial prize pools for participants.

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They also attract customers and are an excellent way of promoting community-building and social engagement.

At Gaming Corps, we have positioned ourselves uniquely to capitalize on tournaments as effective promotional tools. Our brand new Smash4Cash™ vertical and our crash games have a strong appeal among a new generation of players due to their mobile-friendly accessibility and adaptability to tournament setups.

Retaining players after a tournament concludes is essential for growth. We do this by offering ongoing loyalty programs and rewards. We also need to constantly refresh and enhance our content to ensure that players continue to come back for more.


Do you think this trend of gamification will continue into 2025? Or is it just a passing fashion?

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I believe that gamification will continue to be a significant trend well into 2025 and beyond due to its ability to tap into fundamental human desires for achievement, competition, and social interaction.

It will remain at the forefront of our strategy in the coming years as we aim to foster a sense of community around our games and find new and exciting ways to engage with our customers.

Of course, we have to be able to adapt to market localisation and understand that different markets have different requirements. Our products are worldwide, and we want to ensure they are for everyone.

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How Esports Companies Can Address The Confusion Around Gambling



How Esports Companies Can Address The Confusion Around Gambling


An exclusive Q&A w/ Gary Denham, Founder and CEO of Wamba Technologies and Gamer’s Oasis


What inspired you to found Wamba Technologies and develop the patented esports platform, Gamers Oasis?

My motivation was the void of wholly accessible online gaming competitions. Wamba Technologies, in conjunction with Gamers Oasis, aims to create a platform where gamers can engage in fair and constant competition, free from any suspicions of impropriety, while winning money as a result of their performance. Basically, players will be able to pay an entry fee into an online competition, compete, and win money back if they place well enough in the competition.

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Could you elaborate on why the misconception of esports as a form of gambling exists despite the legal framework distinguishing skill-based competitions from games of chance?

This misperception arises from the similarities between online esports competitions and traditional gambling activities, particularly where participants are paying an entry fee and vying for monetary rewards. However, at the most basic level, it comes from industry ignorance. 

Anyone who has actually looked at this or participated in esports knows this is no different than tennis, golf, NASCAR, motocross, etc. This just happens to take place online. Aside from that, there is really no difference.


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In your recent Forbes article, you draw parallels between online video game competitions and the financial structure of online poker. How do you see this comparison influencing the perception of esports within the regulatory landscape?

This comparison sought to underscore the potential revenue from esports while addressing any misunderstandings regarding its classification as gambling. By framing esports within a recognizable regulatory context and emphasizing its skill-based nature, the intent was to facilitate clearer guidelines and regulations conducive to industry growth. Beyond that, I also wanted to illustrate just how much untapped financial potential exists in the industry, which I aim to capitalize on with Gamers Oasis.


How do you think the historical context of online poker and its impact on the perception of online gambling influences the current discourse surrounding esports and its legal classification?

The confusion and misconceptions stemming from the past have contributed to the ongoing debate over whether esports should be deemed a form of gambling, despite its inherent emphasis on skill. Here is where it becomes very clear: remove the internet from the equation and consider the question again.  

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Has anybody looked at “real life” video game competitions as “gambling” in the last 40 years (aside from Las Vegas trying to get their hands on it, and failing)?  Of course not.  So why would featuring the same exact competitions on the internet suddenly somehow magically make this gambling? 

It doesn’t. Ergo, this is CLEARLY not gambling.


What measures do you believe are necessary to establish clear guidelines and regulations for esports, ensuring both consumer protection and industry growth?

Nothing governmental. I think where esports are concerned, regulators need to stay out of it. 

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Will they? Only time will tell — but we don’t regulate golf, NASCAR, tennis, or any other sports. Sure, they each have their own rulemaking bodies, but those are not governmental entities, nor should they be.  

I think that to make an exception for esports would set an extremely dangerous precedent and open up all sports to such regulatory oversight. Quite frankly, the day I see the government actually make something in corporate America better, I may be willing to revisit this sentiment. Until then….


How much of the gaming population do you expect to be interested in a platform like Gamers Oasis?

With approximately 660 million actual and potential esports players globally, I expect a significant portion of the gaming population to be interested in a platform like Gamers Oasis. Hundreds of millions of players are traveling to various locations to participate in competitions already.  

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To give them the ability to simply access this from the convenience and comfort of their own home is something that has gone over exceedingly well in all other comparable situations which we’ve seen. Banking. Shopping. Poker. Collectibles. Multiplayer, casual gaming. Now we’ll see it with video game competition.


What can you share about monetization issues in esports and how Gamers Oasis plans to tackle the problem?

Monetization challenges in esports often stem from an attempt to mirror the traditional sports’ viewer-based model, where money is made by bringing fans out to stadiums or by encouraging them to buy merchandise.  In this model, revenue comes from ad sales and sponsorships in addition to gate sales and merchandising. 

While that works with traditional sports, it doesn’t translate well to esports. However, with the ease of access to gaming reaching an exponentially larger number of players than traditional sports reaches viewers (basically, not everyone can throw a baseball, but 40% of earth’s population plays video games), focusing on a player-based model that encourages everyone to participate, rather than merely making them a viewer, can produce far greater emotional attachment to the sport resulting in more participation time, more monetization opportunities in general, and ultimately, as a result, more revenue. Simply put, viewers generate some revenue for the sport, but players can be worth much much more than viewers. In video games, every viewer is a potential player, so, let’s make them players!

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This is where Gamers Oasis will shine. We are developing technology that will allow players of all skill levels to compete and to know that they are engaging in fair competition. Basically, you could be a bad player, but know that you will only be competing against other bad players, giving you a real chance to win money. This is something that nobody else has seemed to be able to produce in a meaningful manner.  We have a way to do this and to ensure this fair play. When anyone can win, all will play.  When everyone is playing, the industry experiences exponential growth.


Looking toward the future, what do you see as the future of esports, more specifically in terms of regulatory frameworks and industry development?

One of the fundamental problems esports has had up until now is there is no universal set of guidelines. As I said before, I firmly believe that the government is not the answer.  

With our patent, one of the things we intend to do is to have all parties who are licensing the patent join us in setting up core guidelines for all games which feature our technology.  We see this as a sort of a start in creating that centralized entity which can help establish and enforce certain guidelines, keeping it as a consensus based entity composed of the major parties who are involved with us in these endeavors, a democratic approach of sorts, with us primarily facilitating the laying of the foundation.

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What kind of a relationship do you envision between the casino industry and the esports industry?

Casinos are all about entertainment, and esports bring a whole new level of that to their customers. The possibilities are exciting in that whole new esport-themed experiences can be hosted within casinos. And as casinos seek to diversify their offerings to attract younger demographics, esports present a lucrative opportunity for engagement and revenue generation through esports betting and tournaments themselves. 

I think that third-party betting should be separated from any true esports platform. A true esports platform should only have the player paying their entry fees and should not involve third parties wagering on the outcome when they are not actually involved in the competition.  

This is where the casino industry comes in. The casinos can be a distinct and separate entity to facilitate those kinds of transactions, keeping them wholly separated from the platforms featuring esports. 

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One of the major reasons for this separation is age requirements. A true esports platform should allow kids (with parental permission) to be allowed to compete just as they do in real life. However, I feel very strongly that wagering on anything as a non-participant should have some restrictions, as it has the means to cause harm to younger, developing minds. By separating the two, we can keep the competition platforms “kid friendly” while still serving the needs of the audience that seeks the other service.


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Why is LatAm such an important market for 3 Oaks Gaming?



Why is LatAm such an important market for 3 Oaks Gaming?


3 Oaks Gaming is beginning to establish itself across regulated European markets, but now it has a focus on gaining a footprint in the rapidly evolving Latin American region.

We spoke to 3 Oaks Gaming’s Account Manager LatAm, Henrique De Simoni, about the distributor’s plans for LatAm and the overall appeal of the region.


3 Oaks has recently signed multiple deals in LatAm. How did those deals come about and are there plans for any more partnerships in those territories?

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It is fantastic to sign a range of deals across LatAm, initially in Colombia and Mexico before sealing a number of agreements in Brazil. Colombia, in particular, is now a mature jurisdiction and entering the market there first ahead of other regulated territories was something that we felt was a sensible move for us.

Luckia and BetPlay are two of Colombia’s foremost operators, with a huge network of suppliers under their remit. To sign deals with those two giants undoubtedly bolsters our reputation within the region.

We also have Bet7K and with our portfolio in Brazil and many more operators that are almost ready to go live in the next semester.

Overall, we have connected with multiple casino platform providers, such as Vibra Solutions, Alea, Hub88 and Salsa Technology, extending the reach of our content across the continent and we are excited at what the future holds for us with these partnerships.


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Why were Colombia and Mexico first on 3 Oaks’ list when entering LatAm?

Colombia and Mexico emerged as the top choices for several compelling reasons. Firstly, both countries exhibit substantial market potential, with burgeoning populations eager for new and exciting gaming experiences. Additionally, the regulatory landscapes in Colombia and Mexico have been evolving positively, offering conducive environments for the expansion of the gaming industry. This regulatory stability provides a solid foundation upon which we can build our operations and establish long-term success.

Despite Colombia’s rapid maturity within the gaming sector, our thorough analysis identified continued high potential for growth. By securing certification for our games in Colombia, we’ve positioned ourselves to capitalise on the evolving landscape and seize lucrative business opportunities.

Mexico is now the second market in terms of volume, internet betting traffic and great demographic numbers related to gambling in LatAm. This opportunity of offering casino games for Spanish speaking countries that adores sports is something that challenges us and makes the industry more competitive in terms of generating the best premium slots.


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What other LatAm regions are 3 Oaks targeting over the next 12 months?

With some provinces in Argentina already regulated, such as the capital Buenos Aires, this is a key market for us as we look to expand across the continent. Argentina has shown substantial numbers in the iGaming market and can easily become the third largest country in terms of GGR.

However, we are also looking at other regions in LatAm as we try and finalise further partnerships here so watch this space as our journey continues!


With Brazil on the cusp of regulation, how do you think the space will pan out over the next 12 months and what plans does 3 Oaks have for the region?

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It’s no secret that Brazil has been our number one target and we are thrilled to be live in the jurisdiction through a number of agreements already. Certain analysts predict that the market is expected to be worth over US$3 billion by 2028, which is an astonishing prediction, but also an incredibly exciting one.

We will see an increase of mature companies trying to expand in Brazil and can expect to reach the biggest operators with our approach and outstanding customer experience. We have premium slots, a team that believes in the market and everything to make our brand visible for our Brazilian customers.

These numbers ensure Brazil will be the jewel in Latin America’s crown once it fully regulates, and thanks to the deals we have in place, we feel we are well positioned for future growth when regulation finally kicks in.

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