The game aims to combine tabletop fantasy gameplay with turn-based RPG video game mechanics Father and son duo, Brian and Gage Magar of Stone Giant...
For the fifth consecutive year, Inspired Entertainment, Inc. is producing the Virtual Grand National race to predict the outcome of the 2021 Grand National Steeplechase,...
More than 320 attendees gathered virtually for BCLC’s ninth-annual New Horizons in Responsible Gambling Conference on March 9 and 10, 2021. Delegates and speakers logged...
GameStop Corp. today announced that it has appointed Elliott Wilke to the role of Chief Growth Officer. Mr. Wilke’s start date is April 5, 2021....
Provider set to upgrade from sportsbook to full platform offering Amelco, the leading sports betting software provider has announced that it is set to go...
Colorado’s sports betting industry suffered its first month-over-month decline in wagering to put the state in line with a nationwide trend of falling handles, a...
Evolution has announced that it has signed an agreement with Cordish Gaming Group, a division of The Cordish Companies, to deliver its Live Casino and...
Gaming provider Spearhead Studios announces its launch on Bethard. com. Under the new signed agreement, 30+ titles have been made available to the operator’s fans,...
BetPlay, the largest online betting operator in Colombia, has further enriched its online casino offering with the launch of END 2 END’s market-leading Online Multiplayer...
Tennessee sportsbooks continued a national trend with its first month-over-month decline in betting volume, a product of February’s 28 days and the conclusion of the...