BMM Testlabs, the world’s original gaming test lab renowned for exceptional product compliance and testing services, today announced its official accreditation to test systems and...
In a packed room at the prestigious ICR 2025 Conference held in Orlando, FL, Zoran Milosevic, CEO of Meridianbet, captivated the audience of elite investors...
Internet Vikings, a licensed in-state hosting provider for iGaming and online sports betting, announces the extension of its relationship with GAN Sports®, a supplier of industry-leading...
The Sends team attended the biggest and most famous gaming conference, ICE, now held in Barcelona, Spain. From the 20th to the 23rd of January,...
SCCG Management, a leading global advisory firm in the gaming and sports betting industry, is proud to announce its engagement by the Osage Nation Gaming...
RockApp, a leading global media buying agency, proudly announces that it has obtained official licenses in all regulated US states, allowing it to promote iGaming...
Media Troopers, a leading digital marketing agency specializing in sports betting and iGaming, has marked its two-year anniversary in promoting sports betting in Colorado as...